SCA Roof Check-up: Wellness for Your Pop-Up Roof

Is your pop-up roof still fit? Our SCA-Service Workshop offers a personalized roof check-up. We determine if your roof is still functional and if individual parts need to be replaced or repaired.

Marc Prüfer vom SCA-Service-Team poliert die Obefläche eines Aufstelldachs

The Roof Check-up Includes

  • Inspection of all attachments like hinges, etc.
  • Adjustment and inspection of locks
  • Cleaning of the fabric bellows
  • Impregnation of the fabric bellows
  • Maintenance of the rubber seal
  • Final approval

Total price: only € 190*

So, what are you waiting for?

With the Roof Check-up from SCA-Service, you can travel safely and happily to your next adventure.

Simply fill out the form – we will contact you to schedule an appointment.

Register for Repair
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Pflege für dein Dach

SCA Tent cleaner

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SCA Glide spray

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SCA Impregnating spray

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SCA Glycerin stick for rubber seal care

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SCA Seam sealer

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SCA Repair kit for tent bellows

Free shipping

Available, delivery time: 2-5 days
